Crochetfoodielady 2024

It has been a while everyone ! I have so much to update you on! I had a rough 4 months with health scares involving myself. I am on the road to recovery and hopefully done with medical tests for the immediate future ! With all that , comes a new way of living for…

Eggless Cold Brew Tiramisu

Tiramisu has got to be in my top 5 desserts I love. It has taken me some time to tweak this recipe to my liking ( I didn’t want to have raw egg in my filling) So after some research and experimenting , this is the final result ! I also wanted to do a…

Winding Hills Motif

This is a super cute and easy piece to work up! You can use it as a table runner , trivet, arm rest cover or decorative doily ! Supplies and Tools Symbol Chart ** Mark first Stitch each row ( CH1 doesn’t count as a stitch in the start of a row ) Chain 4,…

Cute Simple Shrug

A Shrug is the perfect project if you want to make a sweater but are intimidated by all that’s involved. This Shrug is really based on the shape of the entire finished product ( essentially a large rectangle ) You don’t have to make separate sleeves ! You will just have to measure your arms…

Dairy Free French Toast

One of the best things to make with stale bread is French Toast ! The way it just absorbs the sweet tasty custard ! However many people can not eat dairy or choose not to. So this is a simple recipe to use when you want to indulge! This recipe will make enough custard for…

SeaSide Shawl

Full Disclosure– I started this project intending this to be a Shrug , However I ran out of yarn and there was no way to buy more as I had these skeins for quite some time. So I embraced life’s curveball and completed this as a Shawl and I have to say I absolutely love…

V-Day Shawl

This is a simple easy piece to whip up and you can make it even larger if you keep working in pattern. I wanted a triangle shaped shawl that gave me a festive vibe for Valentine’s Day so I used a magenta colored yarn with a simple trim using white . You don’ t have…

Winter Ways Scarf

I thought of this scarf because I wanted to make a simple but lacey looking scarf. I didn’t want to involve too many stitch repeats. So you will essentially be making 4 rows of chains and Single Crochets and then 4 rows of V-Stitches and repeating this ! Tools Symbols Note– You will be making…

Lazy Meatballs

There are many ways to make meatballs and I have plenty of variations. This is my ” Go- To ” for during the week when I do not want to take the time to boil sauce all day. An easy , fast way to get a warm comforting meal on the table. This does take…

Cinched Pumpkin Bag

Tools and Supplies Symbol Chart Starting with green yarn, leaving a long tail Row 1 – CH 70 , HDC in second stitch and in each stitch following ( 69 HDC total ) CH1 Turn Row 2 – HDC in each stitch across ( 69 HDC total ) Switch to orange yarn. Row 3 -15…

The Spice of Life is Pumpkin

I always have loved pumpkins! They have always meant Autumn and cooler weather for me. Everyone equates pumpkins as carved décor for Halloween, but they are so much more than that ! Pumpkins are a true powerhouse , you can make sweet desserts such as cheesecake, bread,smoothies and donuts. As well as savory meals such…

Halloween Squared Tote

Super simple tote to make for groceries , books or whatever you like to carry ! Would be a cute Trick or Treat bag as well ! Supplies and Tools Symbol Chart You will start with Orange Round 1 – CH5 , SS in 1st CH to form loop , CH3 ( counts as DC)…

Simple Ear Warming Headband

This is a really simple and easy pattern to do! This headband is perfect for keeping ears warm in the colder weather and is completed using Half Double Crochet stitches. Completely versatile to fit your own head , simply increase or decrease the amount of rows. Supplies and Tools J Size Crochet Hook Worsted Weight…

Hexagon Motif

I will show you how to crochet a full hexagon motif and both half sides , so you can make a complete rectangle or blanket etc. Tools Any color worsted weight yarn US 7 Hook Stitch Marker Scissors Yarm Seaming Needle Symbol Chart SC- Single Crochet DC- Double Crochet SS- Slip Stitch CH-Chain Directions on…

Sunset Swim Skirt Cover up

Tools you will need Caron Big Donut Yarn ( 502 yards) in Lemon Plum Size H/8/5 mm Hook 2 stitch markers Scissors Yarn Seaming Needle Symbol Chart DC-Double Crochet SC- Single Crochet TR- Triple Crochet CH- Chain SS- Slip Stitch VST= V-Stitch SK- Skip Special Stitches V- Stitch -In specific stitch work ( DC, CH2,…

Burn out

I feel like it’s time to share a bit about myself – when I’m not creating new crochet patterns or sharing recipes I am caregiver to my mother. I won’t go into specifics , but she needs a decent amount of help the past year and sometimes I just do not have the energy or…

Cold Brew Flapjacks

I love coffee and I love pancakes ! So I wanted to see if I could combine both my loves, and what came to fruition is this recipe for delicate flapjacks with a hint of coffee flavor. *** These contain caffeine so do not feed to small children Ingredients Directions Whisk together all dry ingredients…

Purple Majesty Motif

This is a cute simple little project to make your table pop ! I can envision a pretty candle or vase set on top of it ! Tools and Supplies Symbol Chart Special Stitches Notes Directions CH3 , SS in the first CH, making a small loop. CH1 Round 1 – DC 10 in the…

Candied Bacon

I absolutely love bacon ! The savory and salty burst of flavor that fills your mouth with each bite. This is a simple technique for a savory and sweet way to cook bacon. Ingredients Tools Directions Preheat oven to 375 F Take the tin foil and place on cookie sheet (it will make clean up…

Simple Accent Pillow

If you are looking to make a simple project to give your room some color and comfort , this pillow may be just what you need ! Its an easy pattern using Half Double Crochet in its entirety Tools and Supplies Symbol Chart Directions CH 65 Row 1 – HDC in second CH from hook…