Free Crochet Pattern for Solid Granny Square

Granny squares are a fabulous project for a beginner crochet artist! They are very simple to construct and once you get the hang of the pattern repeats, it becomes one of those great ways to pass time while watching TV. You can even make a beginner blanket by making one giant granny square !

An example of 9 squares laid out that you can use for a tote bag, or the beginnings of an afghan

Supplies and tools you will need

  • Red Heart Super Saver Yarn in Spring Green
  • Size 8/H Crochet Hook
  • Scissors
  • Yarn Seaming Needle

You can use any color of worsted weight yarn, you can even combine colors once you are an established crochet enthusiast

Chain 3 at the beginning counts as a Double Crochet

Symbol Chart

  • CH- Chain
  • DC- Double Crochet
  • SC- Single Crochet
  • SS- Slip Stitch

CH 4 , slip stitch into the first chain to create a loop. Chain 3 (counts as Double Crochet ) , continue to double crochet 2 more times into the loop ,CH2 , DC 3 times into loop, CH2, DC 3 times , DC2 and DC 3 final times more. Slip Stitch into the top of beginning CH3 , you will have 4 groups of CH2 and 12 DC total .

Chain 3 , Double crochet into each double crochet. At the CH2 space ,DC1, CH2, DC1.Repeat process you did above. You will have 4 groups of CH2 and a total of 20 DC

You will basically keep repeating this process of Double Crochet in every Double Crochet and then 1DC, CH2, 1DC in each corner. I stopped after 4 rows. However you can make them as big or small as you like !

I also like to do one row of Single crochet around each completed square , to help five it a finished look and help line them up nicely when its time to seam them all together in whichever project you use them in

You simply Chain 1 after you have Slip Stitched the last row closed. And follow in pattern , simply replacing the DC with SC. Same procedure for each corner as well. Once you have come around the whole square in pattern, slip stitch it closed and leave about a 7 inch tail for seaming to another square OR simply weave the yarn in and out of the last row if its just a huge square for a blanket.

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