Let’s Peel back the Layers- Snack Review

I love junk food , there I said it ! Everyone seems to hide their love or liking of horrible food in darkness. Are these snacks good for us? Of course not, but it doesn’t deserve the shame it gets either.

I know these have been out on the market for a bit of time, however it has taken some time for them to pop up on grocery stores where I live . So I was thrilled to see them on the shelf with all other Lays products. There were two options – Triple Cheese flavor ( which sounded appealing ) However I have never met a Sour Cream and Onion product that I haven’t loved. So I chose those.

Alright, time to open bag!

Oooh this looks interesting ! They looked puffy, airy and had some layers in the center. Obviously not as great as the advertising, but it rarely is. The smell was nice , not overpowering in onion smell.

The ridges on these, remind me of another snack called Bugles (general mills ) – you know those triangle horn shaped snacks we all put on our fingers growing up ?

The texture is reminiscent of them as well, but it has a more airy puffy taste in the mouth. They are delightful !

The Sour Cream and Onion flavor is not overpowering in either way. It’s very similar to Lays Classic Sour Cream and Onion chips . But the stand away is the addictive texture.

I believe you should be able to snack on anything you want to as long as you keep the portions small and within the serving size suggestions. And I know that there are days where that just seems impossible, but I promise to not judge. But this snack provides you a really generous amount for only 150 calories !

In conclusion – Great snack ! Worth it

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