Snack Review for Turkish Popios

I grew up eating American Pop rocks, these sugary ,crispy ,pebble looking things that would crackle and pop once they hit your tongue ! They were so fun to just pour the small bag in your mouth and hear all the noise popping !

The brave of us would take a swig of Cola to have an even more sweet louder crackle in your mouth once the carbonation combined with the candy.

However as I aged, I could no longer handle the chemicals and dyes in my good old candy of my youth. So I stopped eating them.

I have started a quest of trying different snacks ( here in the USA) and especially global snacks. Its so interesting to see the different chips ( crisps ) , cookies ( biscuits ) , chocolates and candies !

I saw these Turkish Popios and thought of Pop Rocks ! What got me excited was the interesting flavors and no chemicals listed !

The Flavors

  • Cola – Opening the package , I saw an absence of artificial dyes ! Already liking this ! The smell? Literally smelled like a can of soda ! The crackle and taste made me crave an actual cola
  • Tutti Fruitti – reminded me of Chicklet gum ! That super sweet fruit flavors exploding in my mouth!
  • Strawberry – Tasted like the best strawberry candy you have eaten.
  • Banana – not going to lie, it had me feeling skeptical. I have not had good luck with banana flavored candy in my past. However , this had a delicate banana essence , you still tasted the super sweet of crackle sugar .

Overall, I am so happy I tried these ! They are so delicious !

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