Tummy Troubles – some tips

I think it all has happened to us whether it’s a stomach virus, food poisoning or a food intolerance reaction.

The times where you can not hold food down in either way. I am currently going through a week long stomach ailment now and would like to share my tips on feeling better!

Stay Hydrated

I know the least thing you want to do is continue to put something in your tummy that will not even stay there, but trust me you do not want to get dehydrated. Dehydration is extremely painful and makes matters even worse ! So try to drink small amounts of warm water if you are vomiting. Cold water will trigger more stomach spasms. If you are nauseated but can still keep food down , try drinking ginger ale. Ginger has a natural calming agent to help nausea. Drink something with electrolytes ( even Pedialyte for children is really helpful ) When I cant even think of eating I like to suck on hard peppermint candies. This will give you some calories and sugar you will definitely need and the peppermint works again to help nausea

This is not the time to try my awesome recipes or snack suggestions, sadly. You want bland! Saltine crackers, plain toast, soups, broths, rice, plain cereal etc

I Like to even be prepared in advance for a 24 hr. bug or when I feel sick, here is my list of what I keep on hand

  • 6 pack of Canada Dry Ginger Ale
  • Brachs Starlight Peppermint Candies
  • Pedialyte
  • Broths
  • Dry Soup mixes
  • Rice
  • Instant mashed potatoes

Hopefully this will help you guys out ! And next post will be fun !

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