Lazy Meatballs

There are many ways to make meatballs and I have plenty of variations. This is my ” Go- To ” for during the week when I do not want to take the time to boil sauce all day. An easy , fast way to get a warm comforting meal on the table.

This does take some effort in making the meatballs and boiling pasta . What differs from the usual way of cooking the meatballs is you don’t fry them , you essentially just cook the balls in the sauce covered in the oven !



  • 1 lb Ground Beef
  • 3/4 cup Italian Bread Crumbs
  • 3 medium eggs
  • 2 Jars of Marinara
  • 1 lb of your favorite pasta
  • Grated Romano or Parmigiano cheese for serving
  • Olive Oil
  • Italian Seasoning
  • Salt and Pepper
  • Baking or Roasting Pan
  • Tin Foil ( to cover your pan if it doesn’t have a lid
  • Large pot ( to cook pasta in )
  • Mixing Bowl
  • Colander to drain pasta


Preheat oven to 350F

Fill large pot with water, place on medium heat for it to boil.

In mixing bowl crack your eggs , breaking up the yolks with a fork , add the bread crumbs, some salt and pepper and mix thoroughly. Combine the beef in bread crumb mix with your hands until well blended.

Crack Eggs
Mixing Bread Crumbs
Add Ground Beef

Once you have the meat mixed , take your baking pan and grease it with some olive oil. Pour one jar of the Marinara all over the bottom ( rinse out jar with 1/2 cup water). Form your meatballs to be about 2 inches wide. Place them on top of the sauce. When they are all formed , pour other jar of sauce on top ( coating them completely ) Again rinse jar with some water. Sprinkle some Italian Seasoning on top. Cover pan in foil and bake for 1 hour .

Well blended mixture
Formed Meat Balls
Ready for Oven

While your meatballs are cooking , about 15 minutes prior to them being done, throw your pasta into the boiling salted water and cook until Al Dente. Drain pasta and serve with your cooked meatballs !

Ready to Eat

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