Crochetfoodielady 2024

It has been a while everyone ! I have so much to update you on!

I had a rough 4 months with health scares involving myself. I am on the road to recovery and hopefully done with medical tests for the immediate future !

With all that , comes a new way of living for me , no more junk food reviews! ( sorry everyone )

A whole new diet is in store for me and with that comes brand new recipes I will be posting ! What was something bad has in fact energized me into new ideas ! I will be making new dishes and transforming some favorites into dairy free recipes !

And I will continue to post crochet intermittently!

I hope you will stick around and see where this takes me !

One Comment Add yours

  1. Karl says:

    Maybe you can even aspire to post once a month like me! Well… Once a month ish.

    Liked by 1 person

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