Crochetfoodielady 2024

It has been a while everyone ! I have so much to update you on! I had a rough 4 months with health scares involving myself. I am on the road to recovery and hopefully done with medical tests for the immediate future ! With all that , comes a new way of living for…

Burn out

I feel like it’s time to share a bit about myself – when I’m not creating new crochet patterns or sharing recipes I am caregiver to my mother. I won’t go into specifics , but she needs a decent amount of help the past year and sometimes I just do not have the energy or…

Eggless Cold Brew Tiramisu

Tiramisu has got to be in my top 5 desserts I love. It has taken me some time to tweak this recipe to my liking ( I didn’t want to have raw egg in my filling) So after some research and experimenting , this is the final result ! I also wanted to do a…

Cold Brew Flapjacks

I love coffee and I love pancakes ! So I wanted to see if I could combine both my loves, and what came to fruition is this recipe for delicate flapjacks with a hint of coffee flavor. *** These contain caffeine so do not feed to small children Ingredients Directions Whisk together all dry ingredients…

Purple Majesty Motif

This is a cute simple little project to make your table pop ! I can envision a pretty candle or vase set on top of it ! Tools and Supplies Symbol Chart Special Stitches Notes Directions CH3 , SS in the first CH, making a small loop. CH1 Round 1 – DC 10 in the…

Candied Bacon

I absolutely love bacon ! The savory and salty burst of flavor that fills your mouth with each bite. This is a simple technique for a savory and sweet way to cook bacon. Ingredients Tools Directions Preheat oven to 375 F Take the tin foil and place on cookie sheet (it will make clean up…

Simple Accent Pillow

If you are looking to make a simple project to give your room some color and comfort , this pillow may be just what you need ! Its an easy pattern using Half Double Crochet in its entirety Tools and Supplies Symbol Chart Directions CH 65 Row 1 – HDC in second CH from hook…

Winding Hills Motif

This is a super cute and easy piece to work up! You can use it as a table runner , trivet, arm rest cover or decorative doily ! Supplies and Tools Symbol Chart ** Mark first Stitch each row ( CH1 doesn’t count as a stitch in the start of a row ) Chain 4,…

Cute Simple Shrug

A Shrug is the perfect project if you want to make a sweater but are intimidated by all that’s involved. This Shrug is really based on the shape of the entire finished product ( essentially a large rectangle ) You don’t have to make separate sleeves ! You will just have to measure your arms…

Dairy Free French Toast

One of the best things to make with stale bread is French Toast ! The way it just absorbs the sweet tasty custard ! However many people can not eat dairy or choose not to. So this is a simple recipe to use when you want to indulge! This recipe will make enough custard for…