Eggless Cold Brew Tiramisu

Tiramisu has got to be in my top 5 desserts I love. It has taken me some time to tweak this recipe to my liking ( I didn’t want to have raw egg in my filling) So after some research and experimenting , this is the final result ! I also wanted to do a…

Cold Brew Flapjacks

I love coffee and I love pancakes ! So I wanted to see if I could combine both my loves, and what came to fruition is this recipe for delicate flapjacks with a hint of coffee flavor. *** These contain caffeine so do not feed to small children Ingredients Directions Whisk together all dry ingredients…

Candied Bacon

I absolutely love bacon ! The savory and salty burst of flavor that fills your mouth with each bite. This is a simple technique for a savory and sweet way to cook bacon. Ingredients Tools Directions Preheat oven to 375 F Take the tin foil and place on cookie sheet (it will make clean up…

Dairy Free French Toast

One of the best things to make with stale bread is French Toast ! The way it just absorbs the sweet tasty custard ! However many people can not eat dairy or choose not to. So this is a simple recipe to use when you want to indulge! This recipe will make enough custard for…

Lazy Meatballs

There are many ways to make meatballs and I have plenty of variations. This is my ” Go- To ” for during the week when I do not want to take the time to boil sauce all day. An easy , fast way to get a warm comforting meal on the table. This does take…

The Spice of Life is Pumpkin

I always have loved pumpkins! They have always meant Autumn and cooler weather for me. Everyone equates pumpkins as carved décor for Halloween, but they are so much more than that ! Pumpkins are a true powerhouse , you can make sweet desserts such as cheesecake, bread,smoothies and donuts. As well as savory meals such…

Canada Snacks

In this post I will share with you my opinion of : Coca Cola ( Canadian recipe) Ruffles Bacon and Sour Cream Chips Nestle Coffee Crisp Chocolate bar First I will say I had no idea that Coca Cola had different ingredients in different countries ! I have always had American Coca Cola which contains…

Tummy Troubles – some tips

I think it all has happened to us whether it’s a stomach virus, food poisoning or a food intolerance reaction. The times where you can not hold food down in either way. I am currently going through a week long stomach ailment now and would like to share my tips on feeling better! Stay Hydrated…

Simple BBQ Sauce

This sauce is perfect for a beef roast , pork ribs or chicken. I quickly mix up the ingredients, pour over meat and bake in oven or you can even use it in a crock pot ! This is not a ready to eat sauce, it has to be cooked with the meat. The sauce…

Snack Review for Turkish Popios

I grew up eating American Pop rocks, these sugary ,crispy ,pebble looking things that would crackle and pop once they hit your tongue ! They were so fun to just pour the small bag in your mouth and hear all the noise popping ! The brave of us would take a swig of Cola to…