Canada Snacks

In this post I will share with you my opinion of : Coca Cola ( Canadian recipe) Ruffles Bacon and Sour Cream Chips Nestle Coffee Crisp Chocolate bar First I will say I had no idea that Coca Cola had different ingredients in different countries ! I have always had American Coca Cola which contains…

Snack Review for Turkish Popios

I grew up eating American Pop rocks, these sugary ,crispy ,pebble looking things that would crackle and pop once they hit your tongue ! They were so fun to just pour the small bag in your mouth and hear all the noise popping ! The brave of us would take a swig of Cola to…

Strawberries tickle me pink

I love strawberries, however my body doesn’t – I am allergic ! Not dangerously so, but after a few berries you will see my arms covered in hives. Has this stopped me from eating them in cakes, or drinking them in smoothies ? No, No it has not. It has limited the quantity I can…

Cadbury Cream Egg Cookies

I have always enjoyed a Cadbury Crème Egg ( the cream center the most if I am honest ) So I become instantly intrigued and excited when I spotted these Cadbury Crème Egg Cookies -in my local Target store ! “What were the chances of this indeed tasting good ? ” I can hear you…

Mmmmm Donuts

Donuts are delicious. There are so many varieties to enjoy. My personal favorites usually involve chocolate in some form. However a fresh warm glazed fried cake can be heaven as well. I just equate donuts with happy feelings. There are so many choices and options. Some are yeast based doughs where you bite into them…

I am a Cookie Monster – Chocolate Chip Addition

There really isn’t a chocolate chip cookie that I have not loved eating. Crispy Crunchy wafter thin confections. Gooey chunky cake like mounds. Over sized cookies that fit your hand , or petite bite size cookies that you feel like you are behaving for eating only a couple of these tiny creations. I love them…

Let’s Peel back the Layers- Snack Review

I love junk food , there I said it ! Everyone seems to hide their love or liking of horrible food in darkness. Are these snacks good for us? Of course not, but it doesn’t deserve the shame it gets either. I know these have been out on the market for a bit of time,…

Nothing Low-Brow about a Brownie

I honestly can not remember a brownie I haven’t enjoyed in some way. Obviously some stick out more in my mind than others. There is something about biting down into dense, moist chocolate sponge/cake of a brownie. Whether frosted or not , it does not matter. However I do have one contingency that is somewhat…

Love me an Onion Ring

I love onion rings, even bad onion rings. However the onion rings I ate today from Schaller’s in Irondequoit NY were possibly the best I have had in my 38 years. They were crispy, crunchy and breaded ( vs beer battered ). The portion was huge and each ring was delightful. They were not greasy…