Oh Fudge

I love fudge ! However I can also be pretty lazy when it comes to baking ! This is my “go to” for easy to make fudge ! It just involve microwaving most ingredients together for 2 minutes, and then chilling in refrigerator. Ingredients 1 package of semi sweet chocolate chips 5 Tbs butter 1…

Cadbury Cream Egg Cookies

I have always enjoyed a Cadbury Crème Egg ( the cream center the most if I am honest ) So I become instantly intrigued and excited when I spotted these Cadbury Crème Egg Cookies -in my local Target store ! “What were the chances of this indeed tasting good ? ” I can hear you…

Mmmmm Donuts

Donuts are delicious. There are so many varieties to enjoy. My personal favorites usually involve chocolate in some form. However a fresh warm glazed fried cake can be heaven as well. I just equate donuts with happy feelings. There are so many choices and options. Some are yeast based doughs where you bite into them…

I am a Cookie Monster – Chocolate Chip Addition

There really isn’t a chocolate chip cookie that I have not loved eating. Crispy Crunchy wafter thin confections. Gooey chunky cake like mounds. Over sized cookies that fit your hand , or petite bite size cookies that you feel like you are behaving for eating only a couple of these tiny creations. I love them…

Nothing Low-Brow about a Brownie

I honestly can not remember a brownie I haven’t enjoyed in some way. Obviously some stick out more in my mind than others. There is something about biting down into dense, moist chocolate sponge/cake of a brownie. Whether frosted or not , it does not matter. However I do have one contingency that is somewhat…