Snack Review for Turkish Popios

I grew up eating American Pop rocks, these sugary ,crispy ,pebble looking things that would crackle and pop once they hit your tongue ! They were so fun to just pour the small bag in your mouth and hear all the noise popping ! The brave of us would take a swig of Cola to…

Props to Popcorn

One of my favorite snacks to eat is popcorn ! It can be one of the healthiest snacks on it’s own ( if a bit tasteless) Personally I have to jazz it up a bit. If I am splurging by going to the Movie Theatre , I am getting Popcorn to snack on during the…

Cadbury Cream Egg Cookies

I have always enjoyed a Cadbury Crème Egg ( the cream center the most if I am honest ) So I become instantly intrigued and excited when I spotted these Cadbury Crème Egg Cookies -in my local Target store ! “What were the chances of this indeed tasting good ? ” I can hear you…

Let’s Peel back the Layers- Snack Review

I love junk food , there I said it ! Everyone seems to hide their love or liking of horrible food in darkness. Are these snacks good for us? Of course not, but it doesn’t deserve the shame it gets either. I know these have been out on the market for a bit of time,…

Love me an Onion Ring

I love onion rings, even bad onion rings. However the onion rings I ate today from Schaller’s in Irondequoit NY were possibly the best I have had in my 38 years. They were crispy, crunchy and breaded ( vs beer battered ). The portion was huge and each ring was delightful. They were not greasy…